“Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
—Henry James
Ah, summer. Here in Wisconsin summer is well and truly here.
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“Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
—Henry James
Ah, summer. Here in Wisconsin summer is well and truly here.
Read MoreI’ve been feeling so inspired lately. My garden is providing me with abundant painting ideas, but more than that, it seems everywhere I look I see beauty and find encouragement from people who are living authentic, creative lives.
Read MoreI talk about JOY a lot. The word is up there in my logo. It write about JOY in my blog posts. I describe my paintings with the word and when you sign up for my newsletter I send you a set of Joy Lists as a thank you. On top of that, I call my newsletter a JOYLetter.
Read MoreI’ve been spending as much time as possible in my garden.
The dogs love being outside, too. During the week Jude goes with Matthias to his shop and Charlie stays home with me until I need to leave for my job at the library.
Read MoreAll week long I’ve been painting whirly birds.* That’s what I used to call maple seeds when I was young.
At this time of year when the seeds come helicoptering to the ground it’s hard not to feel a surge of childlike joy. I walk around with my eyes to the ground trying to find the most interesting ones.
Read MoreThis week I painted bleeding hearts with the paint I mixed last week.
It’s lovely to be working with flowers from the garden again. But it’s also been a bit frustrating trying to get back into a groove of art-making and gardening and all the other stuff that life demands.
Read MoreIt’s another rainy day today. Last week I wrote about making time for the garden, but since then I haven’t been able to spend much time outside. It’s been too wet and cold.
I’ve been thinking a lot about patience. I’d say I’m a fairly patient person.
Read MoreI haven’t yet gotten around to painting more tulips. I’ve been a little busy. But also standing firm against overwhelm. I’m determined to take my days slow and to enjoy the spring. Oh how I love this time of year. The relief from winter. Being able to play with flowers and dig in the dirt.
Read MoreOver the past week I was painting tulips. I’ve painted tulips before. Even earlier this year from a grocery store bouquet.
This time I was so excited to be working on a painting with flowers from my garden. The first time this season.
Read MoreI came back from a trip to Seattle at 2 am on Wednesday morning and since then I’d been struggling to get back into the swing of things.
That is, until I realized that I could let go of the pressure to do, do, do and give myself time to rest and readjust.
Read MoreI’m taking a little break and soaking up some inspiration.
I hope you are taking time to savor life’s joys, whatever you might be doing. Even on an ordinary day we can find things to celebrate.
Read MoreI talk about sketchbooks quite a bit around here. They’re one of my favorite ways to create. The art I make there, the practice and play, is special. I sometimes share my pages here and on social media and I’ve shared physical sketchbooks with Dana Barbieri, but most of my pages are just for me. And I cherish that.
Read MoreToday I’m taking over the Carve Out Time for Art Instagram account. I’m so honored to have been asked to share my day with that creative community. Carve Out Time for Art was created by Marissa Huber and Heather Kirtland and this is what they have to say about it:
Read MoreA few weeks ago I wrote about how much I was enjoying playing with acrylic craft paint and mentioned there were other art supplies I wanted to share. I find it so hard to resist the pull of new art supplies. It’s probably a good thing that there isn’t an art supply store nearby!
Read MoreMy friend Ruby recently wrote a blog post about reclaiming the word creativity and it got me thinking. To be honest, it fired me up. I love discussions like this. I love thinking about and talking about creativity. I wrote a response to Ruby on her blog and then I thought I’d take my thoughts and craft them into a blog post of my own to extend the conversation.
Read MoreToday is my birthday. I love birthdays. When I was a child my mom always made them so special. I guess I never let go of the joy of celebrating my day.
Read MoreBack in January I opened an invitation to the 5th Handmade Joy Exchange. I hosted the first one in 2012 and three more after that. Each one was such fun. It was great to get to know some new people, to facilitate new friendships and to help spread joy around the world.
Read MoreSpring might be on its way (according to meteorologists it’s already here), but it certainly doesn’t feel like it in Wisconsin. Does it feel like spring where you are?
Read MoreRecently I’ve had to edit the wording of my bio for a few different things. In one version I say “She works primarily in watercolor but also loves challenging herself to try new things.” It’s true.
Trying new things is fun and exciting. Part of the fun is getting to play with new supplies.
Read MoreThank you so much for sharing your thoughts (in comments and email) after my questions about blogs in last week’s post. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking after reading what you wrote; your words brought about a few epiphanies for me.
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