About three and a half years ago I was frozen in indecision. Paralyzed by fear. Fear of making the wrong decision. Fear of making a mistake.
Read MoreI am filled with a swirl of thoughts and feelings. Maybe you are, too.
These days. They’re hard. This year has been hard. It continues to be hard.
Read MoreAfter a bit of a break, Sips of Inspiration is back!
I’m so excited to introduce you to Misty Olsen. Misty is an artist who’s working toward her dream of creating children’s books.
Read MoreLast week I wrote about committing to self-care during the month of September. As I sat down to write to you today with the intention of expanding on the idea, it seemed so silly.
Read MoreSeptember is here. How did that happen?
During this month we often get our first killing frost, turning my garden to blackened mush and ending its season of painting inspiration. Is it any wonder that I mourn the coming of the fall?
Read MoreWhat a week it’s been.
Although I think they’re a good idea any time, when life feels heavy or dark, I find it helps to write a Joy List.
Read MoreWon’t you join me in the garden today?
As slowly as 2020 seems to be progressing, the summer is certainly speeding past. I can’t quite get my head around the fact that it’s already late August.
Read MoreToday marks the half-year point for Sips of Inspiration, but instead of going ahead with my next interview, I wanted to do two things.
First I want to revisit my WHY. And second I want to check in with you, my dear readers.
I am so grateful you are here!
Read MoreLast Friday I mentioned I was working on a new online class.
It was my focus for most of July, never far from my thoughts even when I wasn’t working on it.
Read MoreLast week a package arrived on my doorstep. I thought it was going to be some backordered art supplies. But the box was bigger than I was expecting. And it was heavy.
When I saw the label I couldn’t wait to get the box opened. It was my Minky Couture blanket!
Read MoreIn our interview last week, Laura Ashton mentioned being inspired by the books of Edith Holden. Today I wanted to share some of the books that have inspired me on my creative journey.
Read MoreThis month’s Sips of Inspiration interview was really fun for me. Today I’m chatting with Laura Ashton who is also a gardener and botanical illustrator.
Read MoreLast week I pulled out all my spinach plants. They’d bolted (begun to flower and go to seed) a few weeks earlier. I’d been harvesting leaves from the stretching stems nearly every day, but it had gotten to the point where the plants had toppled over and were no longer producing new leaves.
Read MoreThis is my seventh summer in my current garden. It’s a bit hard for me to believe it’s been that long already. I’ll have to do a general post about creating this garden, but today I want to talk about roses.
Read MoreThis week is National Pollinator Week, its purpose to celebrate pollinators and bring awareness to how important it is to protect them. I spent a little time reading a bit more about pollinators (there are many more species of pollinators than just bees!) and paying attention to all the visitors in my garden these last few days.
Read MoreI’m delighted to be sharing another Sips of Inspiration interview with you today. This month’s conversation is with Ishrat Khawja. Ishrat hand-dyes beautiful yarns in her home in the UK.
Read MoreThese are my favorite days, dividing my time between my studio and my garden.
I’ve been unplugging as much as possible. And it feels good to be so focused. I’ve fallen in love, again, with my art. There’s so much to paint! Some flowers come and go in the blink of an eye.
Read MoreI struggled all week with what to write to my Joy Letter subscribers, as I usually send my notes at the beginning of the month.
I’ve also been struggling with what to write to you, dear blog reader.
Read MoreHello, my friend. How are you? Are you hanging in there.
I had a rough week. I’m fine. I’m safe. I’m healthy. My family is healthy. My business is doing fine. Matthias’ business is doing fine.
And yet…
Read MoreMay is steadily marching by and spring is unfurling a little bit more each day. The nest of baby grackles in the bushes behind our fence has already been vacated. And yet I’m impatient with spring’s progression this year. Maybe every year. But this year, especially so. Mostly I just want nice weather. Sunshine and warm air so I can walk barefoot in the garden and plunge my hands into the soil.
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