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Anne Butera, Instigating Creativity and Joy
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Hi, I’m Anne Butera

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. So glad to have you here.

I’m an artist, teacher, blogger and gardener, but I used to believe I couldn’t draw and was definitely NOT an artist.

Eventually I stopped listening to the negative voice in my head and in 2010 I began teaching myself how to paint.

Over the years I’ve developed a passion for sharing what I’ve learned on my creative journey and encouraging you on yours.


Let’s discover joy and delight in the magic of nature together.

a sweet watercolor strawberry stem illustration by Anne Butera

 My Giant Strawberry grew from a seed planted long ago, a tiny grain of possibility.

a watercolor strawberry leaf illustration by Anne Butera
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Anne Butera as a child in the garden

When I was a child, our little suburban backyard sprawled in my imagination like a hundred-acre wood or secret garden, the most ordinary bits of nature glimmered like magic and fed my imagination.

In kindergarten I got in trouble for telling stories about my pet giraffe and the giant strawberry in my backyard, but what I really noticed in our garden was no less magical.


The thrill of the first flower unfurling in spring.

three watercolor viola flowers painted by Anne Butera
a watercolor painting of a cute grape tomato by Anne Butera

The bliss of a sun-warm tomato eaten straight from the vine.


The perfection of a handful of acorns pocketed on a walk.

five watercolor acorns painted by Anne Butera
watercolor illustration of a stem of thyme by Anne Butera

I look back on my kindergarten self with such affection. Her imagination, her wonder, her fearless creativity.

As I grew up I abandoned art-making and lost some of my wonder. I hit my thirties and I knew something was missing from my life.


I imagine my kindergarten self taking me by the hand and guiding me on the first steps of my creative journey.

a little, colorful, watercolor tomato painting by Anne Butera

One of the first steps I took was starting a blog.

Yearning to regain my childlike belief in wonder, I named it My Giant Strawberry.

watercolor monarch painting by Anne Butera

My path has meandered.

There have been detours and delays, setbacks and failures.


I didn’t have a clear idea of where I was headed when I set out on my journey, yet each step was a deliberate choice to look for joy, to see light in the darkness, to embrace creativity.

When I chose My Giant Strawberry for the name of that long-ago abandoned blog, I had no idea where my childhood self would lead me.

Anne Butera painting a bunch of nasturtiums with watercolor



I didn’t know the seed planted in childhood would grow and flourish and eventually produce

the biggest strawberry I could ever have imagined.

a watercolor illustration of tiny strawberries and a strawberry flower by Anne Butera
a backwards-facing, orange watercolor nasturtium painted by Anne Butera

That giant strawberry is a belief in beauty.

In creativity.

In joy.


As I taught myself how to make art, I stumbled and backtracked and failed and started over.

I found sanctuary in my garden.

I fell in love with watercolor.

And I developed a passion for sharing what I’d learned and encouraging others.

a handful of tiny strawberries picked in the garden reminds me of magic

And so today I invite you to join me.

In regaining your sense of wonder.

In reclaiming your creativity.

In paying attention and noticing even the tiniest glimmers of beauty and joy.



Join me for a free class


Five days of inspiration in your inbox.


Daily emails filled with:

  • creative assignments

  • journaling exercises

  • encouragement

I also share a video tutorial adapted from one of my longer classes and printable creative prompts to continue energizing your creative journey.

I can’t wait to see you in class!

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