Last year I blogged about planning my dream studio. I was hoping to move my work space from one room in our house to another. For various reasons this never happened.
Read MoreMy blogging calendar has a different post scheduled for today, but I came down with a bad head cold this week and that other post didn’t get written.
Read MoreI’ve been in a bit of a creative funk. I know it’s just a natural part of the ebb and flow of my creativity. It’s taken me years to be able to recognize this and let the funk happen.
Read MoreNot much was happening in the garden in April, but now things are really starting to take off.
Read MoreBefore I dive in to talking about what a typical day looks like around here, I want to take a moment to thank you for sharing your experiences with online subscriptions and communities in last week’s post.
Read MoreAt the end of 2021 when I was starting to plan for 2022, one of my goals was to take an art sabbatical at some point during the year.
Read MoreWednesday morning I woke up and checked the temperature. Negative 19 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of negative thirty-two. It was our second day in a row of bitter cold.
Read MoreWhen I think about the word EASE, I imagine serenity and calm. I picture being able to do hard things with confidence. I see myself flowing through my days with lightness, finesse, grace.
Read MoreWednesday morning dawned with a blowy, snowy storm. Most mornings after breakfast and coffee I start my day with a walk.
Read MoreOne of the first things I noticed in the oncology waiting room were two huge Christmas cactuses filled with blooms, even though it was late January.
Read MoreI cut handfuls of dead flowers from my garden this week. Their shapes are interesting. Petals twisted. Leaves furled as if frozen in motion.
Read More“Thanksgiving is not just a day, it’s a lifestyle.”
Read MoreIt’s almost November, two more months left in 2021. At this time last year, many of us were ready for 2020 to be over. Ready to have a fresh start with a new year.
Read MoreI’m never certain if I’ll have flowers blooming in my garden in October or not.
Read MoreWhen’s the last time you noticed something that made you pause to look, to think, to wonder? A little moment seemingly outside of time?
Read MoreSeptember is here and I’m relishing the seasonal shifts.
Read MoreIf July’s garden stars were purple poppies, August’s are sunflowers.
Read MoreNoticing beauty needn’t be limited to seeing it. Last week we focused on COLOR, something we experience with our eyesight, but this week I want you to awaken your other senses.
Read MoreDid you end up writing a Gratitude List after my post last week?
Are you ready for today’s prompt to help open your eyes to the beauties and joys of summer*?
This week I want you to focus on COLOR.
Read MoreSummer is speeding past and before it’s gone I want to make sure I savor all the things I love about it.
To remind me to slow down and savor the days, I’m devoting the month of August to gratitude and joy.
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