One of the things I love most about making and sharing art is forging connections around the beauty and joys of flowers. Over and over again my customers have shared their personal stories of certain plants or flowers.
Read MoreBack in December I chose “DO” as my word for the year. Lately I’ve been thinking about that choice. Wondering if it’s a bit ironic. Wondering how I feel about it now. Wondering if I should choose another word for the rest of the year.
Read MoreRight now I don’t have the energy or the brain space to write the post I wanted to for today. So I’ll just check in with you. See how you’re doing. Tell you I’m doing fine. Send some words of encouragement your way.
Read MoreI’m back with another interview, the second in my monthly Sips of Inspiration series.
Today I’m chatting with Melanie April Houten.
Read MoreHow are you holding up? What a week it’s been over here. You, too?
My feelings are up and down. My energy is up and down. I’m giving myself leeway and taking things one day (sometimes one moment) at a time. It’s all we can do, I think.
Escaping into the world of a book always seems to help.
Read MoreHello, my friend. How are you doing? Are you hanging in there? Are you riding the rollercoaster of ups and downs that it seems so many of us are feeling?
This is a difficult time and it’s ok if you’re struggling. Let’s all resolve to go a bit easy on ourselves. To allow our feelings. To do what we need to do in this moment.
Read MoreA couple weeks ago I announced I would be interviewing artists in a new monthly series. And today I’ve released the first installment!
Read MoreLast month I wrote about taking a social media break. I looked back over my time on Instagram and also touched on the way blogging has changed over the years. I want to spend a bit more time considering blogs and blogging, giving the topic its own post (I’ve written about blogging before and will most likely write about it again).
Read MoreI am so excited to finally be sharing a project I’ve been working on for a while. First in the dreaming stage, more recently in the DOing stage.
And today with an official announcement.
Read MoreI’ve been thinking about failure. About journeys. Curiosity. Ebbs and flows. Changes.
We’re constantly in a state of change. Sometimes the change is so slow, so gradual, we don’t notice. Other times we’re faced with bigger changes. Or decisions we have to make which will lead to change.
Read MoreOver the years I’ve fallen in love with sketchbooks, but it took me a while. I’ve shared before about how even after I started making art I felt intimidated by them. The biggest reason behind my fear was an idea that what appeared on the pages needed to look a certain way. Prioritizing product over process is a great way to stifle your creativity in all art, but especially within the pages of your sketchbook.
Read MoreBack in January I wrote a list of intentions for the year. First in my journal. Then in my sketchbook. And again on a separate piece of paper that I hung in my studio. The very first intention on the list: “Live a holistically creative life”.
Read MoreBack in November I deleted Instagram from my phone.
It was a snap decision. To take a break from social media and blogging until the new year. I’d been getting more and more uncomfortable on Instagram. Frustrated with it. The idea of taking time and space for me sounded pretty good.
Read MoreA couple weeks ago I mentioned that I’m one of the presenters at the Loving Healing Creating Summit. And now the summit is about to begin!
The “live” summit runs for 13 days, from February 2 through February 14.
Read MoreI just released a new class on Skillshare. My 20th class on the platform. It’s a little mind-boggling to think I’ve created that many classes.
I first started teaching on Skillshare three and a half years ago. I was already a member and had taken some classes on the platform, but had never thought of teaching there. Then they contacted me and invited me to teach.
Read MoreWe’re already more than half-way into January. How have things been going for you so far?
Read MoreI’d been slowly accumulating a list of possible words for this year. Beautiful, poetic words. Any of them would have been a good guide for my year. I thought I’d decided on one until a couple weeks ago another popped int my head while I was in the shower.
Read MoreAnother year has drawn to a close. Another decade, too. On January 1, 2009 I wrote in my journal: “2010. Wow. Seems so futuristic.” And here we are in 2020, even more futuristic-sounding.
But I don’t want to jump into 2020 without spending some time considering 2019 first.
Read MoreI get a lot of questions about what art supplies I use and I’ve been putting together a series of YouTube videos to share my answers.
I thought I’d take some time to talk about them here, too.
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