I sit in the garden and watch the robins taking turns on the nest in the birch tree. The nest is perched in a crotch of branches high above my patio. It doesn’t look very secure, but I’ve watched it hold tight when its windy. One robin swoops to the branch and the other plunges away. A few minutes later they switch. And switch again.
Read MoreLast week I wrote about how making time for doing nothing, for rest, and for savoring the joys of summer is important for well-being and creativity.
And then a funny thing happened.
Read More“Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
—Henry James
Ah, summer. Here in Wisconsin summer is well and truly here.
Read MoreI’ve been spending as much time as possible in my garden.
The dogs love being outside, too. During the week Jude goes with Matthias to his shop and Charlie stays home with me until I need to leave for my job at the library.
Read MoreAll week long I’ve been painting whirly birds.* That’s what I used to call maple seeds when I was young.
At this time of year when the seeds come helicoptering to the ground it’s hard not to feel a surge of childlike joy. I walk around with my eyes to the ground trying to find the most interesting ones.
Read MoreThis week I painted bleeding hearts with the paint I mixed last week.
It’s lovely to be working with flowers from the garden again. But it’s also been a bit frustrating trying to get back into a groove of art-making and gardening and all the other stuff that life demands.
Read MoreOver the past week I was painting tulips. I’ve painted tulips before. Even earlier this year from a grocery store bouquet.
This time I was so excited to be working on a painting with flowers from my garden. The first time this season.
Read MoreToday I’m taking over the Carve Out Time for Art Instagram account. I’m so honored to have been asked to share my day with that creative community. Carve Out Time for Art was created by Marissa Huber and Heather Kirtland and this is what they have to say about it:
Read MoreSpring might be on its way (according to meteorologists it’s already here), but it certainly doesn’t feel like it in Wisconsin. Does it feel like spring where you are?
Read MoreHappy Winter Solstice to you.
It’s the longest night of the year and the official beginning of winter (though around here it’s been feeling like winter for a few months now).
Read MoreWhat are your barriers to creativity? What keeps you from making or doing on a regular basis? A lack of:
How is possible that Thanksgiving has already come and gone? If you celebrated it, I hope it was peaceful, joyful and filled with love.
It seems I’m always pondering how fast time is flying by and how I’m not able to keep up with it. Am I the only one? Do you feel this way, too?
Read MoreFor a while now I’ve been in a weird place in my art journey. Knowing that I need to change, or am on the cusp of change, but not knowing how to do it or what that change is supposed to look like. I know I mentioned it last month.
Read MoreThis morning there is a blanket of snow over everything. When I checked the thermometer it said 23. And yet I have more energy and feel more inspired today than I have for a long time because the SUN is shining.
Read MoreWhen I sit down to write to you it’s usually with a plan that I’ve been thinking about for a while. I usually start writing about a week before I’m planning on posting. I have lists of topics. I have a schedule. But sometimes things don’t go as planned.
Read MoreWe’ve been having cold nights for a while now. We’ve even had snow. Except for a few hardy growers, my garden is finished for the year.
At the end of the season (and in truth, even during the season) I’m looking forward to next year’s garden.
Read MoreLately I feel as if I’m always in a hurry. As if the days are hurtling by and I can barely keep up. I’ve been feeling like this for a while and I don’t like it. One of the reasons we moved out of the city was to live a slower life, but here I am rushing, again.
Read MoreI’ve been thinking a lot about change lately. In part with the changing of the seasons as I wrote last week, but also because change seems to be all around.
Isn’t it always?
Read MoreLast week the weather shifted dramatically from summer to full-on autumn. Suddenly the days were cold. Dark. Wet. I layered on sweaters and hats and scarves. We turned on the furnace and brewed pot after pot of hot tea.
I felt lethargic, melancholy. It was hard to get out of bed in the morning. I made soup and baked bread. I wrote Joy Lists. But nothing seemed to help. I was uninspired and discouraged in my art, too. All I wanted to do was snuggle beneath my quilts and crocheted blankets to wait for the sun to come out again.
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